This is the first Japanese project in my life.
Thanks that lecturer gave us the freedom to choose the topic that we are really interested in.
We really enjoy doing the project as the topic is what we really want to know.
In this project, i know more about Japanese local cultures, like Japanese male thinking.
When i was small, i did not have many channel for me to gain more information of Japanese cultures.
For most of the time, i received information related to Japan through the words of people or drama.
So i have an idea that Japanese male is male chauvinist.
(I don't know will this word be offensive or not, if this makes you feel bad, i am sorry for my poor English.)
As for most of time, like in drama, we can see the social status of women is very low.
When women are married, they should stay at home and take care of the children and elder people.
And they had to do and listen to what their husbands said without asking.
For girls who work in a company, generally their status are low also.
The hig posts are generally occupied by men. and women who are clerks who are responsible for some paper works, they have to serve men like making coffee which are not part of her jobs.
And i did feel sorry for Japanesewomen at that time. They were treated unequally and unfairly.
They were always looked down by man and you may even say they were subordinate to men.
As a Hong Kong girl, it is hard for me to understand why it can still be happening in theis century?!
But after doing this project, my view towards them is greatly changes.
The situation nowadays has drastically changed.
What i am saying above is something old and traditional.
Now the status of men and women are being balanced.
Women can work after married. And they have a say at home.
husbands and wives now are more tended to compromise rather than order and acccept.
And knowing how to cook or do houseworks are no longer a must for Japnese men choose their wives.
Also they can take up some high posts in company. Their working abilities are being recognized.
The mindset of Japanese people are noe changing (in a good way)
This is really out of my exoectation. i am sorry for my misconception before.
And now i start to see Japanese men in a different angle.
If i have a chance to modify my project,
i would like to make one that can show the difference between the thinking of people nowadays and before.
As this time, we do it based on out own perception but not the real situation in Japan.
So the result can show the changing process of the mindset of Japanese people.
Also i think it would be great if we make a survey for HK male.
So that we can compare the mindsets of these 2 group of people.
And i would like to conduct a survey about how female choose their husbands in future.
As Hong Kong women nowadays are so strong and independent.
and we are generally labelled by Hong Kong male as bad and bothersome.
They may think Hong Kong women are too pragmatic, always focus on men's wealth, faces and qualifications when they choose their future partners.
So i would like to know how Japanese girls choose their husbands and make a comparison to HK girls.
I think it would be a good idea if we have chances to talk to Japanese in person.
We may prepare a list of questions (all under a certain topic compromised by your group) before we meet them.
After the meeting, we may do a presentation to show what you have learnt and found in the conversation or what you want to share with us.
I think it may be a quite interesting experience. :)
I am really impressed by the topic of your group. It seems really interesting to me. Though due to the limitation of the respondent (they must be male,right?!), not so many people answered.
回覆刪除But anyway, it's good to know the result.