2011年4月25日 星期一

Education in Hong Kong --- GOOD or NOT??

Nothing is perfect. No matter how great a thing is, it still has its own flaws.

In the eyes of foreigners, generally they think Hong Kong students are good at taking written examinations.

Somehow, this is ture as Hong Kong students are facing thousands of tests or exams in their school lives.

And doing good in examination becomes important in Hong Kong these years.

As the results of public examination is an important indicator for students' abilities,

people, including the Education Bureau, start focusing on the results but not the process of learning.

The policies made by the bureau in fact did not improve the whole situation.

For most of time, teachers tend to teach only according to the syllabus.

At the same time, students don't show any interests in  knowledge outside the examination syllabus.

They only concern about how to make their academic result an impressive one.

To get a higher grade, memorising the notes seems to be effective.

However, for most of the students they mermorize notes without digesting the meaning or theory behind.

They even don't ask their teachers when they find something they can hardly understand.

Instead, they just memorise them without making the concept clear.

In fact, under such a learning environment, for those who have great results in the public examination,

they may be just good at memorising notes or using examination techniques.

Academic result is no longer a reliable factor to judge one's intelligence.

Though the Education Bureau always emphasizes learning is not for the marks, it failed to do so.

Knowledge is becoming more important in Hong Kong.

As what i have mentioned above, people nowadays tend to use knowldge to judge one's abilities, ignoring one's passion and other skills.

Having a impressive certificate can definitely help one to get a job with a higher salary and better welfare.

But in Hong Kong nowadays, the economy is not that good.

If you have a high qualification, you may not also be guarantted to got a job after university graduation.

You can imagine how harsh will the situation of a student who failed in the CE or AL exams be.

Therefore, students try every means to get a higher grade in exam.

At least, this can increase their competiveness.

We can see that the original intention of learning is vanishing.

Of course the education bureau should take bear the largest responsibility.

And the views of society make the whole thing pragmatic,

In fact, we can see there are more problems in HK education.

The above is just a small part of it.

For example, when we compare HK students with students in foreign countries like USA,

it is not hard to discover that creativity of HK students is lower and they are a bit rigid, not flexible enough.

I think it may because HK students keep on absorbing knowledge but seldom think.

To solve this problems, of course the education policy should firts be amended.

and the values of the public should also be changed.

In recent years, we start ot have a subject called liberal studies.

In fact i think the idea is quite good.

However, the ways of teaching are still traditonal,

students sitting in the classrooms and receiving knwoledge from teachers.

We should learn from the foreign countires ,finding different ways which can inspire creativity in students.

Providing them more chances to ask. This can greatly enhace communication in the classrooms and

makes the learning process a reciprocal one, but not one-way teaching.

Also, we may sometimes bring them out of the classrooms such as having field trips,

this may arouse students' interests in learning and motivate them to learn something outside the exam syllabus.

As the traditional way of teaching does not work, we have to try something new.

However,  it will also takes a long time and effort and it is hard to achieve these without cooperation.

Therefore,society should hold hands and help making a better learning environment for our children together.

There is NO doubt that Hong Kong students are smart and intelligent.

It is just the way enlightening them is ineffective and unsuitable.

I do hope that the outlook of the education in HK is a bright one. :)

3 則留言:

  1. クロディアさん、

    you seems don't really like the education style in Hong Kong wo~

    Although Hong Kong student widely lack of creativity though, we are still quite competitive to people from other countries~ like the ability of answering main-point to questions, other people can't really do so ga you know~ always write a long passage but don't know what they are talking about~*

    I do enjoy the study in Hong Kong la~ although it is quite hard and tiring~*

  2. you really point out the situation in HK.
    Can't agree with u more >3<

  3. I agree with you that Some students are jobless even they graduated from Universities. So, some people who graduated F.5 or F.7 think that they have lower social hiearchy and they usually lack of confident. Especially in communication with others.
